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We are responsible for all our admissions here at Knights Enham Nursery. We follow a strict admissions policy which is reviewed regularly by our Governing board. You can view our current policy at the bottom of this page. 


If you would like your child to come to our nursery, you must complete the appropriate application form and return it to the school. The school will consider applications in accordance with the admission criteria set out in our policy.


Where there are more applications than places, the admission criteria will be used to determine the priority for admission. The school will let parents know by letter of their application outcome, where possible at least half a term before the requested start date, ordinarily this will be by the end of October, February and May. If your child is offered a place, you must confirm your acceptance to the school within two weeks otherwise the school may have to refuse places for other children unnecessarily.  


The final decision on when a child is admitted, the number of hours a child is able to attend and his or her pattern of attendance, rests with the head teacher.




Nursery Admissions Policy

We believe that all our children have the right to

Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals

We work together to respect

Everyone in our community regardless of difference

We realise that we all have a responsiblity to

Make the best contribution we can
