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Learning Outside

Knights Enham Infant School is surrounded by rich, exciting and varied grounds that are used to support the pupils learning across the curriculum as well as provide an interesting and supportive environment for our lunch times and breaks.  We use our grounds regularly to enhance learning but we are also planning for further developments to improve the opportunities we can offer children. We believe that there is a real importance to getting the children outside and having hands on experience, getting them to ask questions, find the answers and see how the world around them works, changes, impacts on them and how we impact on it! Children use the outdoors for adult led learning including maths groups, phonics teaching and art – learning outside can often make learning more powerful!  



In Foundation Stage we have several outdoor areas that we use on a daily basis. Opportunities for learning include sand and water, gardening, small world and bikes and trikes. We also have a woodland area where we make dens, read books, hunt for insects or listen for birds. We really enjoy cooking in the muddy kitchen! 

Year One and year two share an outdoor area. We use the outside space to build on personal and emotional skills, gross and fine motor skills and language development as well as to engage the children when teaching core and foundation subjects. This excites the children, allowing them to express and investigate their natural curiosity for the world. Our woodland area is a magical place to explore for creatures, build dens, create small worlds for gnomes or even find a quiet spot to read. 

We believe that all our children have the right to

Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals

We work together to respect

Everyone in our community regardless of difference

We realise that we all have a responsiblity to

Make the best contribution we can
