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How To Prepare For Nursery

Here are some ideas for what you can do to give your child the best start:


Encourage your child’s independence, in particular by helping them to:

· Begin to help you put on their coat and shoes etc.

· Cope with change

Encourage good social skills by encouraging your child to:

· Be happy playing near other children e.g. a sibling at home or other children at the park.

Encourage good listening skills and learning habits by encouraging them to:

· Respond to their name

· Be curious and explore


Settling Into Nursery


Starting nursery is a time of great change for both children and parents. A few tears in the first few weeks is completely normal. The best thing you can do is be positive and tell your child that they are going to have a wonderful day!


We believe that all our children have the right to

Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals

We work together to respect

Everyone in our community regardless of difference

We realise that we all have a responsiblity to

Make the best contribution we can
