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At Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School, the curriculum is focused on the pursuit of ensuring progress for all children. It insists on knowledge being the key to the learning, providing differentiated inclusive learning for all children to “succeed and excel”. It is about teaching children to be physically confident, it needs to be personal, based on knowledge gathering, experiencing success and enjoyment. This helps build and develop health and fitness. The curriculum discusses a culture, a way of thinking that all children should gain and develop. It is coming up with the idea that children can own their learning; that they are allowed to own it, developing life skills that the children know and recognise that they have.  It is not about competing, or particular skills, but about developing a realisation of key life skills that can develop and be used for many purposes.

In the aims, the National Curriculum is ensuring that all pupils succeed. It alludes to differentiation here strongly by using the phrase “all pupils”. The National Curriculum is looking at all pupils regardless of disability need to succeed across four key areas.
The first aim is looking at developing competence to excel in a broad range of activities. It is about age-related skills, which eventually leads to sports. It is about all children developing in relation to their age.
The second is looking at being physically active for sustained periods. Here we are looking at there being a set percentage of activity in each lesson being developed into children’s lives. We know that lesson times are linked to age-related timing with the best intentions, but regardless of what we are having, that this should be 80% of the lesson time where every child is experiencing an increased heart rate.
The third is about global participation, that children are engaged. Children take part competitively, whether at a personal level where they challenge a previous self/time/success or against peers and that this is global across the classes so that all pupils are involved.
The fourth is more about an evolution of life, a way of changing self-perspective to lead a healthy, active life. Within a school environment, there is the ability to affect this, but to spread outside of the school; it needs to be taught as a life skill, an understanding and a knowledge that this should be a way of thinking. A culture.

PE needs to be exciting, safe for all children to take part in, and build towards an end goal that allows for progression from us into the Junior School.


Curriculum is planned to build upon each year group, coming back to areas already studied and introducing new ones that focus on skills gained in previous units of work.


All pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives




Teaching focuses on children being physically active for as long as possible, for raising heart rates, for teaching and developing new skills and for ensuring engagement and enjoyment. Learners are active, involved, engaged and excited, learning new skills or building on their developed skills so they can succeed at a personal level to allow them confidence and capability.


Worked to disseminate this through the classes, PE lead has written and developed all the planning from Year R to Year 2. Staff meetings/team meeting time been used to teach new skills and introduce new equipment. PE leader has worked with individual teachers to support curriculum knowledge building.


Learning journeys build on from each other through each year group and onto the next, challenging, extending and building on key skills gained. Year groups have opportunities to celebrate and extend through cross-curricular activities and in EYFS continuous provision is being developed to extend and challenge what is learnt through adult led activities.


Part of planned lessons to recall and build on previous learning. Children can experience new things as well as continue to experience taught areas as they go through the school.


Based a lot of observations of what children are achieving, how to extend and support learners and to check understanding through demonstration by either child or adults.


Planning uses a simple assessment table that can be used throughout the year to track attainment and effort in each of the key areas of learning. This is newly developed, but will be used to track children throughout their time at Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School.




At Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School and Nursery, we know that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows all children to develop their fundamental movement skills and achieve individual goals. Our pupils are physically active at Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School and this has positive impacts on their learning in the classroom. Children at Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the importance of physical activity. We strive for children to have a love of sport which they can continue outside of school and in their future lives.


‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’

Long Term Plan and Progression of Skills

We believe that all our children have the right to

Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals

We work together to respect

Everyone in our community regardless of difference

We realise that we all have a responsiblity to

Make the best contribution we can
