We have four Safeguarding Leads based at Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School:
Mrs White - Deputy Headteacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Spratt - EYFS Lead & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Hardy - Welfare Officer & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Cousins - KS1 Lead & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Our Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Stott (Welfare Manager) and is based at the Junior School.
Please see the Junior School website for Safeguarding Leads based at the Junior School.
Safeguarding children is a priority for all staff at Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School. All staff have up to date training provided by Hampshire County Council. All staff are fully aware of the policy, practice and procedure for keeping children safe. Our children's welfare is paramount.
If a disclosure is made or a member of staff has a cause for concern then this will be reported to one of the above Safeguarding Leads. A decision will be made as to what action needs to be taken according to school procedures and whether the information needs to be reported to Children’s Services. If a report to Children’s Services is made, then advice is sought whether to share this information with parents or not.
If you have any concerns regarding a child’s safety then you must contact the Children’s Services Department at Hampshire County Council on 0300 555 1384, (the out of hours number is 0300 555 1373). If a child is in immediate danger contact the police by dialling 999.
For Safeguarding Policies - please see our tab Our School/Policies/Pupil Policies.
Bullying is unacceptable and school staff take any concerns or allegations about bullying very seriously. We believe that all children, staff and parents/carers have the right to be protected from bullying and abusive behaviour. It is important that the school community have a shared understanding of what bullying is … and what it is not.
goes on for a while or happens regularly
is deliberate - the other person wants to hurt, humiliate or harm
involves someone / or several people who are stronger in some way than the person being bullied. The bully has more power, they are older, stronger or have some ‘hold’ over the target eg they know a secret about them
Bullying is all three of these happening, it is not
an occasional fight or argument or falling out
a friend or class mate sometimes being nasty in some way
arguments or fall outs with a friend
not liking someone
We support children to understand what bullying is, including cyber bullying and e safety issues, through our PSHE curriculum and within our behaviour management policy. Staff ensure that children feel able to let us know if they have any concerns and that these are taken seriously. Similarly if parents/carers have concerns then they are encouraged to talk to the class teacher or year group team leader. It is very important that parents/carers who do have any concerns come and talk to school staff and not approach other parents/carers. Staff will decide on a course of action following this discussion which may involve further observations in school and discussions with children and other staff or parents/carers. All cases of bullying (see the definition above) will be discussed with the Deputy or Headteacher who will be part of the investigation and the action plan to address the bullying and resolve the situation. In cases of bullying this will lead to sanctions as appropriate to the particular case and support for the child bullied.
We believe that all our children have the right to
Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals
We work together to respect
Everyone in our community regardless of difference
We realise that we all have a responsiblity to
Make the best contribution we can