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At Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School, we aim to provide a rich and hands-on science curriculum that fosters curiosity and a fascination about the world we live in. We want the children to learn science through being scientists. We do this by giving them opportunities to explore engaging questions and whilst doing so enable them to learn new and valuable ideas and skills. The National Curriculum objectives are therefore met in a meaningful and relevant way, with topics building carefully upon the skills and knowledge gained in previous lessons. As scientists investigate questions they are not sure about we ask questions that will foster excitement and a sense of wonder and encourage deep thinking. Through this critical scientific experience the children will have opportunities to discover, have fun and make better sense of the world in which they live. Through a series of well planned themes the children will learn that they have a responsibility to care for both local and distant habitats and for those animals that depend upon them. They will also learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle.



Early Years

Science in the Foundation Stage is taught through both Discovery and adult led sessions. Objectives are taken from Development Matters and assessments are made using Tapestry. Objectives are taken from the following areas of learning: The World, Health and Self Care and Speaking. Science is delivered through our themes, the children’s interests and seasonal changes. The outside area is used daily and is seen as a fantastic resource to deliver much of the science curriculum

Key Stage 1

The KS1 curriculum is based on the Key Ideas (HCC) which are taken from the programmes of study in the National Curriculum

All children complete a longitudinal study which asks a question and requires the children to study an area of the school grounds over the school year. Having completed this study the children will have learnt about seasonal changes and how they affect the plants and animals that live there. They will also learn fieldwork skills.

The remaining key ideas are taught as a series of learning journeys. Ideas are introduced in Year 1 and built upon during Year 2. Materials is taught twice in Year 1 and once in Year 2 with each topic concentrating on different types of materials. All children are given practical experience of gardening as each class has a class bed in which to grow vegetables and flowers. Alongside this the children are taught what plants need and how they grow from bulbs and seeds.

Prior to each learning journey, time will be given to ensure that children have had the right experiences to access the topic (cultural capital).This may be by going on a visit, having visitors in, or by introducing the relevant language. A rich text environment will be used as a stimulus for topics and to reinforce the children’s knowledge

For each learning journey the children will be given the opportunity to carry out investigations. In Year 1 the children will be introduced to our planning model and at first this will be heavily supported. The children’s own thoughts will often be scribed by an adult. By the end of the year many of the children will be expected to write their own observations. During Year 2 the children will be encouraged to complete their own plans in small groups and carry out their investigations with less support. They will write their own conclusions.



Through the teaching of science and the exposure to how it effects our daily lives, we aim for children to develop an enquiring mind and a sense of wonder about the world in which we live.  Attainment in science is measured using the statutory assessments at the end of the Foundation Stage (The World)  and of Key Stage One. These results are measured against the science attainment of children nationally.

Gardening at Knights Enham

Long Term Plan and Progression of Skills

We believe that all our children have the right to

Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals

We work together to respect

Everyone in our community regardless of difference

We realise that we all have a responsiblity to

Make the best contribution we can
