At Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School we know that children thrive best when they are well known to us and feel safe and secure in themselves. To help both these aspects of school life we organise the school into three clear Year Group Teams. This means that our Nursery (Owls) and Reception (Puffins and Robins) children belong to our Foundation Team; our Year One (Woodpeckers and Swans) children belong to our Year One Team and our Year Two (Jays) children belong to our Year Two Team. The children in each team work closely together and share much of the space as well as belong to their own class and have their own class base and registration. Each class in the team has its own class teacher but we have organised our staffing so that we also work closely in Year Groups with one senior member of staff leading each Team and being responsible for the well being of those children.
We believe that all our children have the right to
Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals
We work together to respect
Everyone in our community regardless of difference
We realise that we all have a responsiblity to
Make the best contribution we can