Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School Staff List
Headteacher | Mr Whitehouse (DDSL) |
Deputy Headteacher/Mental Health Lead | Mrs White (DDSL) |
Assistant Headteacher (afternoons) | Mr Smith |
SENCo | Miss Field (DDSL) |
Business Manager | Mrs Devereux (DDSL) |
Attendance/Finance Assistant | Mrs Doran |
Administration Assistant | Mrs Pearmain |
Welfare Manager/Safeguarding Lead | Miss Stott (DSL) |
Welfare Officer | Miss Hardy (DDSL) |
Lunchtime Supervising Team | Miss Elliott, Miss Goddard, Mrs Martin and Miss Kendall |
Site Team | Mr Pude and Mr Brooks |
Foundation Stage
Foundation Stage Leader | Mrs Spratt (DDSL) |
Teachers | Mrs Spratt, Miss Emms and Mrs Woodward |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant | Mrs Henry |
Learning Support Assistants |
Mrs Mills, Mrs Randall, Miss Martin, Miss Eaton, Miss Bateman, Mrs Vosakiwaiwai, Miss Whatmore, Mrs Lankshear, Mrs Husk and Ms Ekanayaka
Year One
KS1 Leader | Mrs Cousins (DDSL) |
Teachers | Mrs O'Leary and Mrs Cousins Mrs Bowden and Mrs Race (PPA cover) |
Learning Support Assistants | Mrs Emans, Mrs Smith, Miss Evans, Miss Morris, Mrs McGuire and Mrs Paice |
Year Two |
Teachers | Mrs Rolfe Mrs Bowden and Mrs Race (PPA cover) |
Learning Support Assistants | Mrs Hier |
We believe that all our children have the right to
Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals
We work together to respect
Everyone in our community regardless of difference
We realise that we all have a responsiblity to
Make the best contribution we can