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Knights Enham Nursery and Infant School Staff List



Mr Whitehouse (DDSL)

Deputy Headteacher/Mental Health Lead

Mrs White (DDSL)

Assistant Headteacher (afternoons)Mr Smith


Miss Field (DDSL)

Business ManagerMrs Devereux (DDSL)
Attendance/Finance AssistantMrs Doran

Administration Assistant

Mrs Pearmain

Welfare Manager/Safeguarding LeadMiss Stott (DSL)
Welfare OfficerMiss Hardy (DDSL)

Lunchtime Supervising Team

Miss Elliott, Miss Goddard, Mrs Martin and Miss Kendall

Site TeamMr Pude  and Mr Brooks



Foundation Stage



Foundation Stage Leader

Mrs Spratt (DDSL)


Mrs Spratt, Miss Emms and Mrs Woodward

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Henry

Learning Support Assistants


Mrs Mills, Mrs Randall, Miss Martin, Miss Eaton, Miss Bateman, Mrs Vosakiwaiwai, Miss Whatmore, Mrs Lankshear, Mrs Husk and Ms Ekanayaka 



Year One



KS1 LeaderMrs Cousins (DDSL)


Mrs O'Leary and Mrs Cousins

Mrs Bowden and Mrs Race (PPA cover)

Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Emans, Mrs Smith,  Miss Evans, Miss Morris, Mrs McGuire and Mrs Paice

Year Two



Mrs Rolfe

Mrs Bowden and Mrs Race (PPA cover)

Learning Support Assistants

Mrs Hier

We believe that all our children have the right to

Powerful learning experiences – Feel safe and be happy – Be treated as individuals

We work together to respect

Everyone in our community regardless of difference

We realise that we all have a responsiblity to

Make the best contribution we can
